Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Sun Room is Finally Tiled

Okay, I have no pictures to show off all of my hard work on the sun room, but I have to make a record that the floor is complete! Kevin and the boys went to Hartsville for a week and I stayed home because we have many unfinished projects around the house that need to be completed, plus I had to work. My goal was to tile the sun room while the kids were gone. When I watched DIY, it looked so easy so I figured I could do it as easily as it looked. Well after taking many trips to Home Depot and spending far more than I planned, the tile floor has been installed. I must say that it took me a lot longer than I had planned (they make it look so easy and quick on DIY), and now I have started the painting! The tile looks good (a few errors), however I did not measure to see if I would have enough of the tile that we had on hand. I did run out, however, luckily I started in the middle and worked my way out. I went with a darker tile for the borders and it looks like I deliberately created it that way. Each night when the kids go to bed I have started painting the sun room. Hopefully I will be done by next week.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I've been tagged...

Four Movies I could Watch over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice (most versions)
3. I guess I only have one movies I would watch over and over again
4. I am not a big movie watcher
Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Nanny
2. Courtyard front desk
3. Hampton Inn Sales Manager
4. Property Manager
Four Places I've Lived:
1. Travelers Rest, SC (where I grew up)
2. Idaho (college)
3. Texas (mission)
4. Pendleton/Clemson SC (home sweet home)
Four of My Favorite dishes/foods:
1. Homemade mac n cheese
2. spaghetti (don't ask why)
3. pizza
4. chicken alfredo
Four T.V. Shows I Love:
1. The Biggest Loser
2. Dancing With the Stars
3. I don't have many favorites- don't watch a lot of T.V.
Four sites I visit daily:
1. Yahoo
2. Yahoo mail
3. I check out the blogs a couple of times a week-
4 I don't visit any other sites daily at this time
Four Places I have Vacationed:
1. NY, NY
2. Jamaica
3. Myrtle Beach
4. Disney World
Four Places I'd rather be right now:
1. On vacation with my husband...
2. ...anywhere
3. ...anywhere
4. ...anywhere
Four Bloggers I'm Tagging:
1. Catherine 2. kristy 3. Jenny 4. anyone who wants it!

Just Some Random Pictures

Vincent with Grandpa Demp.

Kevin with his dad and brother. His dad is a Gamecocks fan and Kevin and Bryant are Clemson fans (big rivals)!

The boys love Moose and Daisy.

Thanks Alisa for the idea. I made this for Kevin's parents for Christmas.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Arrrgh... Look at all ye Pirates!

Each had to "walk the plank" by jumping off the deck onto the trampoline.

Trevor's 6th Birthday Pirate Party Bash

Captain Slashin Trevor

Trevor and Spencer with their own pirate chest full of loot!

The kids had to walk along the plank blind folded. As they walked the two people on the side crouched lower and lower. The person walking the plank felt like they were getting higher and higher and soon they would fall off the plank. It was so funny. The kids really thought that they were way up in the air.

The pirates got to "swab the deck".

Uncle Scott and Kevin were in Pirates in charge.

The Pirates had to try and sink each others boats with cannon balls.

Each had to "walk the plank" by jumping off the deck onto the trampoline.

Everyone came with their own pirate costume (made by grandma's and me).

Each pirate was instructed on a few basics of how to be a pirate and how to make it throught the "Pirate Boot Camp".

First... No Girls Allowed! Any girls caught on deck would have to walk the plank! Beards will do the trick... and maybe a mean pirate name. Evil Skull Avery, Slashin Tooth Bailyn and Peg Leg Julia.

All Pirates were given their rightful pirate names. Evil Eye Spencer, Swashy Bandit Beck and Captain Slashin Trevor.

Cutthroat Keaton

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Annual Pictures

Trevor 5 yrs.

Spencer 3 1/2 yrs

Vincent 11 mo.

It is a tradition that I take the boys every year and have their pictures made professionally. I figure that this is the least that I can do since I am not good at taking a lot of my own pictures (and seeing that my camera is broken now). I have decided to wait until the beginning of the summer to have the pictures made next year. They are always getting over some illness when I take their pictures in the early Spring, therefore they have dark rings under their eyes and are cranky with the photographer. NEVER AGAIN! I wasn't totally pleased with these pictures, but at least I got a good deal on the package that I bought.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some of Spencer's favorite things...

Spencer came running out of his bedroom yelling to me that he put his underwear on by himself! Yes, he did get them on by himself as you can see...

Cute little tush...

I caught Spencer admiring himself with his Spiderman sunglasses and his Ninja Turtle. He cracks me up!

Trevor at Gymanastics

We visited the gymnastics gym a few weeks ago so Trevor could observe the other children and decide if he wanted to be a part of a gymnastics class or not. He was super excited about all of the things he saw the other children do and wanted to be a part of it. As he observed he noticed one thing that bothered him... they were all girls! We had observed on a day when there were only girls. We soon found out that there was an all boys class that he could join. He loves it and does quite well!

A Day Out

We have had some warmer weather lately. It has been nice and it allows us to get outside a little more!

The boys were excited to see Spiderman (cousin Tyler) at Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fall 2007

I am posting a lot of pictures late because I just recieved our beach pictures in the mail from my sister and I did not blog much through the fall. So I have a lot of catching up to do.
I love our maple tree in our front yard. Duke Power came shortly after the leaves fell and had to cut about half of the branches off so they wouldn't interfere with the power lines in the winter. I was very sad because it is my favorite tree in our yard. The branches have already started to grow back. YAY!!!

Grandma Brenda made the boys cute trick-or-treat bags with with their names on them. They love them!

Spencer thought that he was the man with his cool cape on!

Trevor is obsessed with skeletons! He was a skeleton last year too. I think that he looked like a much better skeleton this year.

Vincent was our little ghost. The hat didn't last long though.... it was too itchy!

Summer of 2007

My sister takes great pictures and has a much better camera then we do. I love these pics of the boys!

Friday, February 1, 2008

A little Confusion

Lately Kevin and I have been extremely involved with the politics of our country as the elections are soon at hand. We have been trying to teach the boys that it is important to love their country and be patriotic. One way that we can show our support and love for our coutry is to vote when you have the chance. South Carolina held their caucuses two weeks ago. Kevin took Trevor to the polls with him and let him cast the vote. Trevor proudly wore his "I voted" sticker all day long. He was so excited that he got to vote for our future President of the United States. A little over a week later President Hinckley died. When we told Trevor that President Hinckley died he started to cry. He said "Mom, did he stop breathing?". I explained to him that he did in fact stop breathing and when a person stops breathing, then they are dead. Trevor explained that he was going to miss President Hinckley and wished that he could still be the prophet. Then he gleefully looked up at me and said, "Hey, is Mitt Romney going to be our prophet now?! We voted for him, you know." I giggled at his response and had to further explain the process and differences of being the President of the Church and President of the United States. I think that he is still a bit confused but knows that Mitt Romney will not be our new prophet.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Finally Some Snow!

We don't get a lot of snow here in the south, however at least once a year we will get a freezing rain and sometimes a snow flurry! The boys were out playing in the sun room last night when suddenly Spencer came running in shouting to Kevin, "Dad, it's Christmas outside, it's Christmas!" Of course we had to let them play in the little bit of snow that we got because we knew that by morning it would be slushy. They had a great time! I happened to be at Wal-Mart when Kevin called me to tell me about all of the excitement. Luckily all of the winter gloves and hats were on clearance so I bought a set for each of the boys. I'll have to hang on to those for next year I guess since the snow usually only comes once a year!

This morning the boys woke up like it was Christmas morning! They couldn't wait to throw snowballs. Trevor quickly discovered that the snow was already melting. He scavenged around for all of the snow that he could get to make a snowball, then he came inside and stuck it in the freezer so it wouldn't melt. It was so sweet! These boys are so much fun!