Thursday, January 17, 2008

Finally Some Snow!

We don't get a lot of snow here in the south, however at least once a year we will get a freezing rain and sometimes a snow flurry! The boys were out playing in the sun room last night when suddenly Spencer came running in shouting to Kevin, "Dad, it's Christmas outside, it's Christmas!" Of course we had to let them play in the little bit of snow that we got because we knew that by morning it would be slushy. They had a great time! I happened to be at Wal-Mart when Kevin called me to tell me about all of the excitement. Luckily all of the winter gloves and hats were on clearance so I bought a set for each of the boys. I'll have to hang on to those for next year I guess since the snow usually only comes once a year!

This morning the boys woke up like it was Christmas morning! They couldn't wait to throw snowballs. Trevor quickly discovered that the snow was already melting. He scavenged around for all of the snow that he could get to make a snowball, then he came inside and stuck it in the freezer so it wouldn't melt. It was so sweet! These boys are so much fun!


Erin said...

This is the second post I've read today about getting snow! My friend in Charlotte got it too!! I'm so jealous. I don't think snow is in the cards for us here--probably EVER! Love ya!

Kristy said...

You guys really should come up and visit!!! We have snow from October until April!! Haven't talked to you guys for a while, did you find out about finals?