Four Movies I could Watch over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice (most versions)
3. I guess I only have one movies I would watch over and over again
4. I am not a big movie watcher
Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Nanny
2. Courtyard front desk
3. Hampton Inn Sales Manager
4. Property Manager
Four Places I've Lived:
1. Travelers Rest, SC (where I grew up)
2. Idaho (college)
3. Texas (mission)
4. Pendleton/Clemson SC (home sweet home)
Four of My Favorite dishes/foods:
1. Homemade mac n cheese
2. spaghetti (don't ask why)
3. pizza
4. chicken alfredo
Four T.V. Shows I Love:
1. The Biggest Loser
2. Dancing With the Stars
3. I don't have many favorites- don't watch a lot of T.V.
Four sites I visit daily:
1. Yahoo
2. Yahoo mail
3. I check out the blogs a couple of times a week-
4 I don't visit any other sites daily at this time
Four Places I have Vacationed:
1. NY, NY
2. Jamaica
3. Myrtle Beach
4. Disney World
Four Places I'd rather be right now:
1. On vacation with my husband...
2. ...anywhere
3. ...anywhere
4. ...anywhere
Four Bloggers I'm Tagging:
1. Catherine 2. kristy 3. Jenny 4. anyone who wants it!